
Calibration is a pain. Ulendo makes it easy.

Ulendo Calibration-as-a-ServiceTM
for LulzBot TAZ Pro



purchase nowLearn more about CaaS

Increase the ROI of your print farm investment

For print farms, CaaS allows you to squeeze even more productivity out of your additive manufacturing machine investment by DOUBLING the output of your existing printers without sacrificing quality.

Improve turnaround times and margins

Improve the key metrics in your
print farm operation:

• Print job margin
• Capacity utilization
• Customer satisfaction
• Print job turnaround time

Control quality with the CaaS dashboard

The intuitive CaaS dashboard displays operations and quality statistics highlighting areas for improvement including indicators for predictive maintenance in your print farm operation.

Increase revenue and brand loyalty

For manufacturers of FDM printers, CaaS is a fast and cost effective way to improve the  speed and quality of your machines. And, you can add a subscription revenue stream to your business. CaaS provides you an opportunity to enhance your brand loyalty by providing an alternative to the time-consuming, manual and error-prone processes that involve printing and measuring parts  or manually entering numbers into equations.